The Leadership Circle 360 Assessment Tool
The directive “Know Thyself” was carved in stone at the entrance to Apollo’s Temple in Delphi, and it’s essentially where every coaching engagement begins. Clients start with a baseline assessment to unpack their personalities, attitudes, working styles, competencies and underlying tendencies. A 360-degree assessment provides the foundation to understand strengths and challenges, structure the coaching engagement and prioritize goals.
There are literally dozens of different assessment tools, which require certification to be used. They include the Watson Glazer critical thinking test, the Kolbe Index, which identifies natural instincts and strengths, and the DISC assessment, which measures dominance, influence, steadiness and conscientiousness. Other coaches use the Hogan Assessments, The Kaiser Versatility Index, or the Zenger-Folkman Extraordinary Leader tool.
At Turquoise, we are certified in the Leadership Circle Profile 360 Assessment Tool, or LCP. We chose this tool because our clients are incredibly busy, and the LCP offers the fastest way to experience professional growth and improve leadership performance. The powerful intelligence and intuitive data organization expedite program design, so clients make swift progress.
This next-generation tool measures a deeply researched set of competencies, including creative and reactive behaviors, internal assumptions and beliefs, that significantly enhance leadership effectiveness and correlate with high levels of fulfillment and achievement.
The LCP identifies how leaders achieve results, bring out the best in others, lead with vision, enhance their own development, act with integrity and courage, and improve organizational systems. The assessment yields deep insights and facilitates the self-awareness needed to transform outward behavior. Here are a few other reasons Turquoise utilizes the LCP:
The tool is theoretically dense and integrates the best research and frameworks from leadership, psychological and personal growth and development. It represents the first comprehensive and unifying theory of leadership development that exists in the field. The LCP empowers clients to explore underlying, automatic emotional and cognitive processes that drive thinking and behavioral patterns. Moreover, the LCP allows the coach to draw on a multitude of frameworks to facilitate transformation.
The LCP is the only instrument that measures and integrates the two primary leadership domains – Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies. Unlike most profiles that can require many take hours to interpret, the Profile integrates key information to surface fundamental issues immediately. Leaders can quickly identify what is working, what is not, and why. The assessment and debrief process are specifically tailored to an individual’s development.
The LCP is unique in that it reports and displays results in percentile scores compared to an ever-growing norm base of leaders. This allows for more accurate interpretation of the data than raw scores. For example, a leader taking a different assessment of their management style might receive a 4.0 on a measure of “Relating” and 3.0 for “Controlling” on a 5.0 scale. It would be easy to conclude that the leader was doing a good job, since they scored a full point higher in the more effective interaction style. With the LCP, this data is converted to percentile scores. The leader discovers that his 4.0 score on “Relating” ranks in the 45th percentile among his peers, and his 3.0 score for “Controlling” ranks in the 75th percentile. This data tells a far more accurate story. The LCP’s strong correlation to real world results within a theoretical framework supports the natural direction of coaching and leadership development.
The LCP organizes the data in a circle so it can be visually understood in the context of powerful developmental frameworks, displaying all the relevant interrelationships between dimensions. Other assessments provide users with a list of results, with pages and pages of question-level detail – making it a challenge to discern clear patterns in the data and identify issues to be addressed in coaching. Combined with percentile scores, the LCP’s high-impact data presentation immediately identifies the most critical patterns, important issues and interrelationships between behaviors. The client comes into the coaching session focused on the very conversations that lead to leadership transformation.
Shana Dressler
As CEO of Turquoise Consulting, Shana designs bespoke programs to help companies grow, adapt, transform and scale.